A Dog and Cat Behavior and Training Center by Perfect Paws

copyright 1995 Bohnenkamp, Perfect Paws, Inc.

Barking is a perfectly normal and natural canine behavior. It is one of the ways that dogs communicate. Birds sing; guinea pigs whistle; frogs croak; and dogs bark, whine and howl. If you have a dog, you better expect him to bark! It is unrealistic to think you can train your dog to stop barking altogether. It would also be unfair to the dog. However, you, your neighbors and your dog will all be much happier if the barking is under control.

Dogs who are socially isolated or confined for long periods without supervised exercise need some outlet for their pent-up energy. A dog who is left alone all day is likely to take up barking as a hobby because no one is there to control him. In no time at all, barking becomes an enjoyable habit. And for many dogs, once they start barking, they tend to continue to make noise for the sheer fun of it.

Your dog may bark excessively because you unintentionally trained her to do so. Poochie speaks and you obey. "Woof" and you open the door to let puppy out."Woof" and you open it again to let her in. "Woof" and she gets a treat, "woof" for a tummy-rub . . . you get the picture. Your dog has learned to get attention through vocal blackmail. It is easy to fall into this trap because the very nature of barking gets your attention. For the same reason, it is easy to forget to praise and reward your dog for being quiet.

The first step in obtaining peace and quiet is to realize that most dogs bark because they are lonely, bored, frustrated or frightened. These are all situations that you can help to alleviate. A well-exercised, happy dog is more likely to sleep all day while you are not home. Spend time playing with your dog. Develop a relationship. Get on the floor and have fun with your canine companion.

Obedience training is great mental exercise. Thinking is a tiring activity for dogs, as it is for humans. Most dogs really enjoy a rapid paced, exciting "game" of Come here, sit, heel, sit, heel, down, stay . . . come here for hugs, a massage, a celebration of praise and treats. Don't allow training to be a boring, tedious routine.

If your dog lives in the back yard most of the time, she probably needs "social exercise." She needs walks around the neighborhood, so she can investigate all the sounds and smells that tantalize her while she is in the yard. Bring her into the house when you are home. She needs to feel that she is part of your family. Having a large yard is not equal to having a well exercised dog. You may see your dog dashing madly around your yard, but he is not exercising. He is doing the doggy equivalent of pacing, fidgeting, or other human forms of nervous activity. Provide your dog with fun things with which to occupy himself, such as a digging pit or special chew toys.

Dogs are social animals. They need friends and companionship. Take your dog to the same dog park daily or weekly and let her make doggy friends. Dogs romping around and playing together tire rapidly and will sleep happily while recovering from the good, hardy play session.

The Neighbors
Until you have reeducated your dog about her barking habits, she should be confined to a place where she will cause the least disturbance. Closing the drapes will help muffle the noise for the neighbors. In addition, confining the dog to the back of the house (away from the street) will keep disturbances to a minimum. Leave a radio playing to mask noises from the street. You may also want to have disconnect switches on the telephone and doorbell if these set off a barking spree.

"Be Quiet"
It's no wonder people have barking problems with their dogs. Most dogs have no clue as to whether barking is something good or something bad. Sometimes when the dog barks, he is ignored (owner in a jolly mood). Other times, the dog is encouraged (owner sees suspicious stranger outside the house). And yet other times, the dog is yelled at (owner has a headache). Humans are consistently inconsistent.

In order to help your dog know your rules, teach him what they are. Here is a good rule to start with: Barking is OK until the dog is told to "Be Quiet." Think of "Be Quiet" as an obedience command rather that simply an unpredictable reprimand.

Each time your dog barks, after two or three woofs, praise her for sounding the alarm. Then tell her, "Be Quiet." Simultaneously, waggle an especially tasty food treat in front of her nose. Most dogs instantly become quiet because they can't sniff and lick the treat while barking. During this quiet time praise her continuously - - "Good girl, quiet, what a good quiet pup you are, good dog . . ." After 3 seconds of no barking, let her have the treat. The next time she barks, require her to be quiet for 5 seconds before she gets the treat. Each time she is told to be quiet and succeeds, she will be rewarded. But eventually she will make a mistake, if for no other reason, she may now bark at you impatiently waiting for her reward.

If she barks even one little wooflet after you've given the command, scold her immediately. Timing is everything. As training proceeds, the required period of silence is increased gradually; at first "Be Quiet" means: No barking for the next 3 seconds, then 5 seconds, then 10 seconds and so on.

Within a single training session, you can teach your dog to be quiet for up to 1 or 2 minutes. This is major progress, because whatever excited her to bark in the first place is history, and she is likely to be quiet until the next disturbance.

The Consequences
When your dog stays quiet for the required period of time after you've asked her to please, "Be Quiet," she is rewarded. When she makes a mistake, your unsuspecting poochie's very next wooflet should be met with a cataclysmic, earthshaking 120 decibel "BE QUIET!!!" Most dogs are so totally shocked and amazed by this horrendous outburst that they stare at you in disbelief (and silence). If this outburst makes your dog more excited, then you might try an ice-cold I-mean-business tone of voice. Sometimes a splash of water in the face will do the trick. You must find something that will instantly make your dog be quiet. As soon as your dog stops barking, even for just a tenth of a second, you must immediately and instantly reward him. After enough repetions your dog will learn the meaning of the command, "Be quiet," and you will no longer need your training props (water, treats, etc.)

Substituting Habits
If your dog's excessive barking has already become a habit, don't expect the barking to get under control overnight. It takes weeks of repetition to replace an old habit with a new one. If you keep up with these procedures, you will see a new pattern of barking develop. Instead of barking relentlessly at the insignificant, your dog will bark appropriately and for a reasonable length of time. It is important that you maintain this new good habit through practice and praise or your dog may revive his old annoying habits again.
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